Methodological support for the development of the Georgian and Moldavian rural areas and regions

Latvian Rural Forum has launched a new project “Support for the development of regions of Moldova and Georgia, by promoting the local partnerships and by improving national, regional and local governance capacities of planning and conducting the development actions”. This project will take place in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development

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Glocalization in adult education

Erasmus+ project was leading by Stowarzyszenie LGD Dolina Raby 20 month, starting from 1 of September 2016 until 30 of April 2018 in strategic partnership with 3 organizations: Fundacja Dzieła Kolpinga w Polsce Kolpingovo dielo na Slovensku Latian Rural Forum The main goal of the project was develop of adult education solutions in glocalization challenges by cooperation

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The understanding of Concept of Bioeconomics is poorly recognized among local development stakeholders, although many initiatives related to Bioeconomics have been implemented all over Latvia.  The goal of the Forum is to move forward common understanding of the Concept and raise awareness of bioeconomics among different stakeholders, who are interested to promote new approaches for

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The European Rural Youth Parliament

  The ERYP is organized by the association “Latvian Rural Forum”, “Latvian 4H” and Village Action Association of Finland and it is organized to prepare for the European Rural Parliament in October this year, which is a civil society movement of rural regions, and is intended to bring the attention of European politicians and policy makers

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The European Rural Youth Parliament will be held in Latvia

On August 11, 2017, young people from the European Union, the Balkans and the countries of the Black Sea region will gather in Ratnieki, Ligatne district, to participate in the first European Youth Parliament (ERYP). There will be representatives from Denmark, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Estonia, Great Britain, Latvia, Armenia and Albania. The results of

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3.Latvian Rural Communities Parliament

​No 15. līdz 18.jūnijam Kandavā notiks 3.Latvijas Lauku kopienu parlaments „Visai Latvijai jādzīvo! – Lauku nākotnes ceļa izstrāde”. Parlamenta norises vieta būs Kandavas kultūras nams (Lielā iela 28), kur vienkopus pulcēsies līdz 300 aktīvo lauku iedzīvotāju, pašvaldību pārstāvji, akadēmiķi, politikas veidotāji un citi lauku attīstības entuziasti. Šogad Latvijas Lauku kopienu parlamenta centrālā tēma ir „Latvijas

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The map of development cooperation initiatives between Latvia and Moldova

The map reflects an implemented initiatives and the organizations which participated in the development cooperation project between “Latvian Rural forum” (LRF) and Moldavian association “Pro Cooperare Regionala” (ProCoRe) in 2016. Implementation of the Pilot project on developing action plans for the setting up a local action groups and the national rural network in Moldova was

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Representatives of the Latvian Rural forum have provided a significant contribution in the implementation of the LEADER approach in Moldova

Within the development cooperation project* framework which was realised by the Latvian Rural forum (LRF), from 6th November till 11th November this year a delegation of 14 representatives visited the Northern region of Moldova. The Delegation from Latvia consisted of 3 experts from LRF, 8 representatives from the Local action groups (LAG) and one representative

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The study visit of representatives of Moldova to the regions of Latvia

From the 24 to 30 July 48 representatives from Moldova visited Latvia. Together with the Latvian Rural forum (LRF), the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia,  local action groups (LAG) and local governments they gained experience in more than 15 Latvian cities and counties, as well as participated in

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PREPARE Gathering 2016

Programme  FULL PROGRAMME HERE: PREPARE Gathering 2016 Programme Tuesday, 13 September Early arrivals. For those participants who arrive early at Tirana airport (Albania) till 15.00 and all participants arriving from Ohrid airport (Macedonia), or travelling through Macedonian border. 15.00 – 19.00 Getting to know Korçe region – walking tour in Voskopoje village. Korçe region has wide

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