LEADER devums Latvijas laukiem: iedvesmas konference noslēgusies

2024. gada 20. novembrī Abgunstes muižā norisinājās iedvesmas konference “20 gadi Latvijā: LEADER devums Latvijas attīstībai”, kurā Latvijas Lauku forums (LLF) kopā ar partneriem izvērtēja LEADER pieejas nozīmi un nākotnes perspektīvas. Konferences dalībnieki dalījās pieredzē, diskutēja par vietējo rīcības grupu lomu un izcēla LEADER ietekmi uz vietējo teritoriju attīstību. LLF padomes loceklis Valdis Kudiņš uzsvēra,

Lasīt vairāk

“Support to the growth of Moldova’s regions by enhancing their resilience to conditions in emergency situation and mitigating the long-term consequences of COVID-19”

On 31 July, an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia and the Latvian Rural Forum on the implementation of the project “Support to the growth of Moldova’s regions by enhancing their resilience to conditions in emergency situation and mitigating the long-term consequences of COVID-19”. The project was

Lasīt vairāk

LRF launches project to co-create resilient and sustainable food towards FOOD2030 #CITIES2030

Latvian Rural Forum (LRF) in partnership with 40 European organisations launches the project CITIES2030 “Co-creating resilient and sustainable food towards FOOD2030”, coordinated by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. CITIES2030 will be implemented for the period 2020-2024 with total budget 12 513 955.75 EUR. Over 4 years, CITIES2030 cross-sectoral team will work on restructuring and transforming the way

Lasīt vairāk

Moldavian delegation visit to Latvia

An experience visit of Moldavian delegation was organised in Latvia from 17 to 21 of October by Latvian Rural Forum within the framework of a project financed by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Latvia. Delegation members, interested in rural development by fortifying the local initiatives and diversifying the local economy, visited good practice examples

Lasīt vairāk

LRF expert is visiting Georgia

With the first visit to Georgia, Latvian Rural forum has launched the activities of the project “Support for the development of regions of Moldova and Georgia, by promoting the local partnerships and by improving national, regional and local governance capacities of planning and conducting the development actions”, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the

Lasīt vairāk

Methodological support for the development of the Georgian and Moldavian rural areas and regions

Latvian Rural Forum has launched a new project “Support for the development of regions of Moldova and Georgia, by promoting the local partnerships and by improving national, regional and local governance capacities of planning and conducting the development actions”. This project will take place in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development

Lasīt vairāk

The Fair of Local Producers in Stelpe

For the seventh year in a row Pārgaujas county Straupes parish association “Healthy city and countryside” is organizing a fair of local producers. The association is small.  It is composed of only four persons, thus the team is maneuverable and able to respond quickly. The board of association consists of only two people. Marketspace model

Lasīt vairāk

School as multifunctional center in Tirza parish

Tirza community center does not exist in the formal sense, there is Tirza Elementary School, which is in its development plan (consistent with Gulbenes District Council) in 2010 wrote the formation of the multifuncional center as one of the tasks. The idea that Tirza Elementary School should begin to work as a community center came

Lasīt vairāk