Successfully has finalized an international conference “Local Identity Product (LIP) – sustainable support systems for communities in Europe”

  All materials from the conference you can find in here.     Successfully has finalized an international conference “Local Identity Product (LIP) – sustainable support systems for communities in Europe”, organized by association “Latvian Rural forum” in collaboration with project partners “Association of regional brands” from Czech Republic and “Rural development fundation” from Romania.

Lasīt vairāk

From 1st January to 31st of December 2012 Latvian Rural forum will implement a project “Strengthening of administrative capacity of association Latvian Rural forum to ensure active and qualitative involvement of non-governmental sector in regional develop

On 5th of December 2011 association Latvian Rural Forum signed a contract No. 1DP/ with Society Integration Fund of Latvia about implementation of the project “Strengthening of administrative capacity of association Latvian Rural forum to ensure active and qualitative involvement of non-governmental sector in regional development policy and in the Committee of the Cabinet of

Lasīt vairāk

Latvian Rural Forum has started to implement project “Local Identity Product (LIP) – sustainable support systems for communities in Europe”

Latvian Rural Forum has started to implement project “Local Identity Product (LIP) – sustainable support systems for communities in Europe” (No.515784-EFC-1-2011-1-LV-EFC-CSP) cofinanced by program “Citizens for Europe”. In project is involved three partners : Association “Latvian Rural Forum” from Latvia, association “Asociace regionálních značek, o.s.” from Czech Republic and “Rural Development Foundation” from Romania.  

Lasīt vairāk

The organization capacity strengthening

Sphere: Support to national NGOs and Strengthening civil societyCost of the action: 22883 EUR;Sponsor: Society Integration foundation; The main activities– Increasing LRF capacity;-The development of Latvian rural NGO platform;– Strengthening of local initiatives in Latvian rural areas;– Representation of Latvian rural NGO interests;– Provision of international cooperation

Lasīt vairāk

Promoting of cooperation in 2007

Sphere: Strengthening civil society and Support to national NGOs;Cost of the action: 9960,16 EUR;Sponsor: Ministry of Agriculture- Latvia The objectives of the project was:Contributed the knowledge of Rural society about European Union and possibilities:– Meetings in villages and small cities;– Developing interactive and virtual information and experience area;– National level Experience and cooperation events;Involving rural

Lasīt vairāk

Promoting of cooperation in 2006

Sphere: Strengthening civil society and Support to national NGOs;Cost of the action: 2845,76 EUR;Sponsor: Ministry of agriculture of Latvia; The objectives of the project was:Contribute the knowledge of Rural society about European Union and possibilities:-Meetings in villages and small cities;-Developing interactive and virtual information and experience area;-National level Experience and cooperation events;-Involving rural inhabitants in

Lasīt vairāk

Rural school- the hard of rural development

Sphere: Strengthening civil society;Cost of the action: 12226,8 EUR;Sponsor: Soros Foundation The objective of the project:Strengthen civil society, involving rural schools in processes as a guide of local initiatives, accordingly promoting public discussion about national development.– Develop Latvian Rural forum interests defense concept in rural development;– Develop and coordinate interests defense group, organizing:2 national discussions

Lasīt vairāk