International workshop
There is also an international dimension of the 1st Latvian Rural Communities Parliament that is focusing on SUSTAINABILITY OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT where the two aspects are highlighted – local economy and involvement of civic society in making decisions related to the development of communities.
In particular above mentioned issues will be discussed
at international workshop „ROLE OF COMMUNITY LED
The workshop will be facilitated in a way that it will provide possibilities of participants actively share their experiences and opinions on following topics:
– How a local community can strengthen local economy at the same time increasing value of local resources and keeping in mind influences of globalization;
– What are the innovative approaches in Europe for tackling rural development challenges;
– How civic society is involved in decision-making processes related to the planning of EU investments for the period 2014-2020.
The outcome of the workshop will be recommendations for future actions on different levels that will strengthen the role of community in decision-making processes as well as will promote community-led local development based on sustainable use of local resources.
Travelling Workshop – “Get To Know the Rural Communities of Latvia”
On 6 June we encourage you to take part in Travelling Workshop “Get to Know Rural Communities in Latvia!”.
This will be a whole day adventure of exploring the diversity of rural life in Latvia starting from ancient times until nowadays, meeting people of different ages and backgrounds.
On the ~350 km long distance through whole eastern part of the country we will visit different communities (youth, community school, artisans etc.) who will be glad to share their stories of living and acting as a community in the countryside of Latvia.
Regional meetings for shaping the content of Rural Communities Parliament
With the first discussion on March 15, bringing NGOs from Riga Region, Latvian Rural Forum launched shaping the content of Rural Communities Parliament together with around hundred community type non-governmental organizations. For a month the last working day of each week we have spent together with fantastic and active inhabitants from all over the Latvia. Regardless of the socio-political processes participants proved that in rural areas of Latvia there are active inhabitants who can and want to work to create sustainable communities.