Norises laiks: 2008. gada 12.- 14. decembris;
Norises vieta: Vācija, Berlīne;
Darba kārtība: Friday, 12th December
8.00 Breakfast
8.45 Opening, Introductions., Programme
10.00 Visit to a Youth Training Center
12.30 Lunch
14.30 Story Circle: Sharing of stories from our work
17.00 Report of the Moderator
18.00 Dinner
19.30 Getting together
Saturday, 13th December
8.00 Breakfast
8.45 Morning Prayer
9.15 Report on the Community Organizing Training Programme
Reports from the regional and local work
Discussion on URM in Europe
12.30 Lunch
14.30 Introduction of the URM Association
Discussion on objectives, ways of operation, preparation of elections
18.00 Dinner
19.30 Outing
Sunday, 14th December
8.00 Lunch
8.45 Morning Prayer
9.15 Elections of persons to lead URM Europe in future
10.00 Discussion on future work
12.30 Lunch
LLF pārstāv Valdis Kudiņš