Latvieš reģionu ziņas
We build and design custom websites that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.
We build and design custom websites that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.
We build and design custom websites that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.
We build and design custom websites that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.
We build and design custom websites that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.
We build and design custom websites that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.
Dižprojekti ir vietējo iniciatīvu projekti, kas realizēti VRG darbības teritorijā ar LEADER ELFLA vai EJZF fonda atbalstu un kas ir teritorijas lepnums un aktīvo ļaužu darbības apliecinājums. Tas ir ikgadējs konkurss ar mērķi popularizēt unikālas un reģionu teritorijām un iedzīvotājiem nozīmīgas idejas, kas īstenotas ar LEADER pieeju. Galvenais motīvs ir lepošanās ar paveikto, sabiedrības informēšana
We build and design custom websites that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.
We build and design custom websites that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.
We build and design custom websites that are aesthetically pleasing and functional.