Erasmus+ project was leading by Stowarzyszenie LGD Dolina Raby 20 month, starting from 1 of September 2016 until 30 of April 2018 in strategic partnership with 3 organizations:
- Fundacja Dzieła Kolpinga w Polsce
- Kolpingovo dielo na Slovensku
- Latian Rural Forum
The main goal of the project was develop of adult education solutions in glocalization challenges by cooperation between 4 organizations from 3 countries, exchange experience and best practices in strategic partnership.
The project was connected with main idea of “glocalization” approach: “Glocal= global+local” and current main challenges in adult education in the face of the different contexts of social, economic and cultural live:
- Local Life
- Global life
- Multiculturalism
- Local culture, identity
Exchange experiences and best practices were based on 2 main modules:
1) Community development area, which include such subjects as:
a) Community local life, local education – community-led local development, local participation and consultation- presentation of good practices, methods, tools, projects, general principles of local adult education connected with CLLD- Stowarzyszenie LGD Dolina Raby
b) Community life in the global village, global education- global interdependence, global responsibility, explanation of global causes and consequences, explanation of individuals impact to the global processes and the impact of the global processes on individual people, breaking down existing social stereotypes and prejudices, presenting the perspective of the Global South and idea of “One World”, developing critical thinking and changing people attitudes- presentation of good practices, methods, tools, projects, general principles of global adults education- Fundacja Dzieła Kolpinga w Polsce.
2) Individual development area, which include such subjects as:
a) How I understand the world- multicultural education – cultural differences understanding, multiculturalism, international cooperation – presentation of good practices, methods, projects, general principles of multicultural adults education- Latvian Rural Forum
b) How I understand myself- culture and education- local culture patterns, local identity, personal development, local cooperation – presentation of good practices, methods, the general principles of adult personnel education- Kolpingovo dielo na Slovensku
Results of the project were elaborated in the publication “Glocalization in adult education. Recommendation for adult education programs and projects” which you can downloaded here.