Actions for rural development for the following two years – Resolution of the 6th Latvian Rural Communities’ Parliament

In 2023, from June 14th to 16th, the 6th Latvian Rural Communities’ Parliament took place in Ergli, Madona region, as well as online, uniting around 300 actively involved participants and experts. Event brought together representatives of rural communities, municipalities and state institutions, researchers, entrepreneurs, politicians and enthusiasts of rural development to discuss solutions based on local needs, to look proactively and within cross-sectors for methods and tools ensuring a high quality of life and up-to-date opportunities in rural communities.

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5th Latvian Rural Communities Parliament Resolution

On June 16 – 18, 2021, the 5th Latvian Rural Communities Parliament took place in Stāmeriena, Gulbene district and online, bringing together representatives of communities, local municipalities and state institutions, researchers, entrepreneurs, and other rural development enthusiasts to discuss the creation of a competitive and attractive rural environment. regions and small towns. Within the framework

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5th Latvian Rural Communities Parliament Program

The Latvian Rural Communities Parliament (LRCP) takes place every two years and its goal is to jointly find successful solutions, as well as new opportunities for rural development, promoting cooperation between different stakeholders, identification of challenges and priorities at local, regional, national and European level. The principle of the Community Parliament is based on an

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4LRCP resolution

From June 5 to 7, 2019, the 4th Latvian Rural Community Parliament was held in Zaļenieki, Jelgava Municipality creating the dialogue between active citizens from rural areas and policy makers.

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3.Latvian Rural Communities Parliament

​No 15. līdz 18.jūnijam Kandavā notiks 3.Latvijas Lauku kopienu parlaments „Visai Latvijai jādzīvo! – Lauku nākotnes ceļa izstrāde”. Parlamenta norises vieta būs Kandavas kultūras nams (Lielā iela 28), kur vienkopus pulcēsies līdz 300 aktīvo lauku iedzīvotāju, pašvaldību pārstāvji, akadēmiķi, politikas veidotāji un citi lauku attīstības entuziasti. Šogad Latvijas Lauku kopienu parlamenta centrālā tēma ir „Latvijas

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About the 2nd Latvian Rural Communities Parliament and its Agenda

   Ligatne, Latvia        June 3-5, 2015 Rural Communities Parliament- „Creation of precondition for the development of small towns and rural areas” In the framework of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union international scale event will be held – Rural Communities Parliament “Creation of precondition for the development of small towns

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Resolution of 1st Latvian Communities Parliament

RESOLUTION OF The 1st Latvian Rural Communities Parliament On 7-8 June 2013, around 190 activists from rural communities and small towns all over Latvia gathered for the 1st Latvian Rural Communities Parliament that took place in Preiļi, Aglona, Līvāni, Riebiņi and Vārkava municipalities.  Also present were representatives of Saeima (Parliament of Latvia), Ministry of Environmental

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